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Winter management tips

We are right in the middle of winter here in the UK, and the weather really does throw up some difficulties for managing our horses and trying to keep them in work.

This weeks tips, the first of 2021, are all about ways to manage your horse when the weather and conditions are against you, to keep their systems functioning well.

Tip 1: Snow days…how best to deal with your horse?

There are SO many factors to consider when it’s been snowing - safety, enough food and water, and...

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New Years resolutions with our horses!

core engagement Jan 08, 2021

Happy New Year to you, and I hope that 2021 will be a better year than 2020 and all of the difficulties we face with the Covid pandemic. 

I wanted to write a quick article as a New Years post, just to pause for a moment with our horses, and consider what we might like to aim for in 2021 with them, and therefore to consider what changes we need to make to enable this to happen, or at least to be able to get closer to our goal.

The biggest piece of advice that I can give in achieving your...

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Lunging Tips

core engagement exercise Dec 17, 2020

Lunging can be a great way to exercise our horses, and especially in the winter months when the weather here in the UK is ‘tricky’ to say the least, lunging can be quick and effective for fitness, core strength, flexibility and maintaining muscle tone.

There are some instances where we can’t lunge our horses, but for those who can and would like more information, read on!

Tip 1: Keep your circle as large as possible

You can do this by walking a circle yourself, so that you...

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Training your horse to work over his back

core engagement Dec 11, 2020

This weeks Tips are all about the things you need to consider when training your horse to genuinely work over his back.

It’s a term we hear a LOT, you may have received ‘not working over the back’ as a comment from a dressage judge, or you just struggle to have your horse working in good posture / long and low, and are not sure why...

Tip 1: Posture

Let’s start with posture…good posture is so important for our horses - we sit on the lowest, weakest part of the...

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Winter regimes!

winter Dec 07, 2020

Winter can be a really tricky time with our horses (in the UK anyway!) - short daylight hours, adverse weather conditions and restricted / reduced turnout can seriously disrupt everything from exercise regimes, rehabilitation, to feeding routines, digestive system health, and much more.

So when our horses have to be stabled more frequently and for longer each day, what can we do to help with boredom, stress, lack of exercise and energy levels?  And how can we adapt their exercise regimes...

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Managing horses with Kissing Spine in the winter

Winter (in the UK anyway) is a difficult time with horses, but especially horses that have been diagnosed/treated for ‘Kissing Spine’. It’s crucial to continue your rehabilitation / strengthening work, but there are lots of factors in the way.

Tip 1: Work routine

One of the most crucial pieces of the jigsaw for a horse with ‘Kissing Spine’ is for them to be kept in regular exercise. And in particular during your initial rehabilitation.

You will undoubtedly have...

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Managing your horse with Arthritis

arthritis Nov 19, 2020

It’s that time of year again when horses seem to be ‘feeling their joints’, the weather (here in the UK anyway) is getting damp and cold, and this is when our horses can start to show more signs of joint pain.

I work with lots of ‘senior’ horses who have wear and tear based osteoarthritis, as well as younger horses with arthritic joints. The management of joint issues is the same - we need to look after and protect the degenerated/stiff joints, and in the winter...

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Benefits of core engagement for your horse

Why should we be doing daily core strengthening work with our horses? Because we sit on the lowest, weakest part of their back, so this is the bit that needs to be strengthened for riding!


Tip 1: Your horse will start working over his back

We have all heard this term, getting your horse to work over his back, and we probably know what that is or looks like, but WHY is it important and HOW do we do it? And what does it...

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Core engagement for different riders/owners

core engagement exercise Nov 08, 2020

I talking a lot about posture and core engagement for our horses as it's so important and beneficial, so going a step further, I wanted to talk about how core engagement affects different activities for our horses!

Each activity with our horses requires them to have different skills, whether we are doing dressage, jumping, cross country, endurance, groundwork.

But all of these activities or sports require good core strength for different reasons! 

Dressage riders

Question for...

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Conditioning horses

core engagement exercise Oct 16, 2020

Through my time rehabilitating horses with injuries, one of the things I have noticed is that a lot of the horses have looked weak in their musculature, or uneven in the musculature at the point of injury/starting rehab, so I can start to see how the injuries may have happened.

Horses have not evolved for us to ride them, and they are actually a pretty poor design for riding!

They are big animals so I think it’s easy to think they are strong. However, size doesn’t alway mean...

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