• Kissing Spine Rehabilitation

  • Long Term Management of Kissing Spine

  • Core Activation & Core Mobilisation Exercises 

  • Practical Equine Arthritis Management

  • Equine Rehabilitation

  • Effective Lunging

  • Simple Groundwork Exercises

  • Horse Weight Loss



Kissing Spine Rehabilitation & Prevention Strategies  

If you are feeling overwhelmed, upset, anxious, nervous, unsure where to start, or need some guidance or new ideas on the rehab process, my detailed guide covers everything from diagnosis through treatment and rehab, and ultimately back to ridden work.

This practical guide will help you understand what is happening to your horse, and all of the ways that you can help your horse to recover fully, and get back to your previous activities.




Kissing Spine Rehabilitation Ebook Bundle

Let me help you with a full package of practical exercises and information to help you transform your horse through corrective work.

What you'll get in this bundle:

  • Kissing Spine Rehabilitation Ebook
  • Effective Lunging Ebook
  • Core Mobilisation & Core Activation Exercises Ebook
  • Rehabilitation Ebook





Kissing Spine: Long Term Exercise & Management Strategies 

NEW Ebook Bundle, including 'Kissing Spine: Long Term Exercise & Management Strategies' AND 'Core Exercises for your horse' which includes core activation and core mobilisation exercises!

Once you have got past the initial kissing spine rehab...what next?? There is so much to consider and keep your eyes on, to enable your horse to be strong and comfortable, and keep them comfortable in exercise.

Let me share with you all of the strategies that I use in the long term successful management of this condition.




Core Activation & Core Mobilisation Exercises 

These exercises are the BEST ones to do with your horse on a daily basis, and I recommend them to all of my clients!

These exercises are quick, super effective, and your horse will become more flexible and symmetrical if you do them every day!

I have been working professionally with horses for over 12 years - I have written this ebook to explain the benefits and show you how to do these important exercises, to help prevent conditions such as Kissing Spine in our horses, and to develop equal use of the body, so that they are symmetrical in movement.




Practical Arthritis Management 

Help your horse get back to doing what you enjoy together, in a healthier happy way.

Go from sore, stiff, lethargic...to back into work...healthy, happy and sound!

My tried and tested recommendations: products, supplements, exercises and management strategies.

I'm a qualified Equine Physiotherapist, and work extensively alongside vets in managing horses with Arthritis. Let me help you to improve your horses comfort levels so that your horse is happy again, and you can continue enjoying your activities together.




Equine Rehabilitation

The injury rehabilitation process with horses is one of the most stressful situations to go through as a horse owner.

Let me take the stress and worry out of it with my practical guide to everything you need to be considering.

I'm a qualified Equine Physiotherapist & Rehabilitation Specialist with extensive experience in the rehabilitation of injuries.




Effective Lunging 

A practical guide to lunging your horse, including posture, tack, body language, energy, positioning, preparation, tips PLUS troubleshooting.

- Do you struggle with lunging and find it difficult with your horse?

- Is it difficult to get your horse to stretch down on the lunge?

- Is your horse difficult on one rein on the lunge?

Then read on as my practical guide to effective lunging is going to help you to train your horse to stretch down into long and low posture on the lunge and work over his back!




Simple Groundwork Exercises 

Adding groundwork to your horses routine a few days per week can make a huge difference to their flexibility, symmetry and core strength!

And it's suitable for all horses as it's low impact work, so senior horses, horses coming back into work, horses starting back into work after rehabilitation, young horses, happy hackers to competition horses! 

  • Benefits of groundwork
  • 6 simple exercises
  • How to do them, images and descriptions
  • Tips on improving the exercises!



Horse Weight Loss  

Horse Weight Loss: Grass, Laminitis, Diet, Management

I have covered everything you need to know about, to get weight off your horse for good!

WHY our horses put on weight at grass and sometimes suffer with laminitis – once you understand WHY this happens it will really help you in your management strategies, to get weight off your horses, get them healthy and back into work.


Hi I’m Jenny Adamson!

My 12 years experience in Equine Physio, Rehab, Training and Spinal Manipulation Therapy, AND my Mindset Coaching expertise, along with my personal experiences, give me a rather unique way of looking at horses, rehabilitation and training. I KNOW what needs to happen for horses to bloom and flourish physically, emotionally and mentally.

In addition to the ebooks on this page, I have developed various ways that we can work together, to deeply support the partnership between you and your horse... please click the 'work with me' link below, or send me an email below, if you would like my support in a consultation or coaching package. 

Work with me

Send me an email!

Pop your name and email address below, and your message in the box below, and I will get back to you as soon as I can!