• Core Exercises 

  • Massage Course 

  • In Hand Exercises Course 

  • The Art of Lunging Course 

  • Polework course 

  • Developing Correct Movement course 

  • Strength & Straightness Online Programme

  • Equine Connection Mastery Programme



Core Exercises for your horse 

This online course will teach you about Posture, why this is important, and how to improve your horses posture through core strength.


Core Mobilisation Exercises: detailed lesson and video showing you HOW to do the exercises

Core Activation Exercises: detailed lesson and video showing you HOW to do these PROVEN exercises

***These are the exercises that I use, recommend and teach, I highly recommend them as they make so much difference to your horses body in just a couple of weeks of daily repetition!




Massage Course 

Learn these important skills, so that you can give your horse a basic massage...and your horse will LOVE YOU for it!!

  • Anatomy 101
  • Massage strokes
  • Massage routine
  • Where and where not to massage!

The benefits are numerous with massage...: physical, emotional, improved connection and improved communication!




In Hand Exercises 

Learn the art of teaching your horse In Hand Exercises!

Step by step approach, from Foundation Exercises, to Lateral Exercises, in a simple to learn format!

  • Foundation Exercises
  • Shoulder Exercises
  • Hindquarter Exercises
  • Lateral Exercises!

Transform your horses posture, core strength, flexibility and symmetry, through this sympathetic, corrective work!




The Art of Lunging

Learn how to train your horse to work correctly on the lunge, bend correctly, stretch down, develop long and low posture, so that you can strengthen your horses back and core!

Lessons and videos on lunging, correcting bend and movement PLUS training aids!

Teach your horse to stretch down and work over the back with this straight forward training course!




Polework Exercises

This online course will teach you WHY using pole exercises is so beneficial to your horse, whatever type of exercise you do!

How to work with the exercises safely and progressively.

And some simple yet super effective 'multi tasking' exercises to try out!

Improve your horses core strength, posture, flexibility, symmetry and movement by adding specific exercises to your routine...it doesn't have to be complicated or difficult!

***These are some of the exercises that I use, recommend and teach, I highly recommend them as they make so much difference to your horses body!




Developing Correct Movement in the horse 

Learn about important parts of your horses movement that can cause dysfunction and injury, if not addressed.

Get your 'eye in', learn how to see these issues, understand their importance for your horse, and then learn all of my GO-TO exercises to address these movement patterns...

Ultimately transforming your horse!!

This course is important foundational learning for anyone that owns a horse!




Strength & Straightness Online Programme

Unlock your horses potential by implementing this full body strength training system that will get their body fully functioning!

Whether you are rehabbing from kissing spine, bringing your horse back into work, or looking for a professional strengthening programme to follow...

Train your horse to move correctly, strengthen their body, improve their crookedness pattern, learn management strategies from industry leading experts to get your horse back to being the very best version of themselves…sound, comfortable, well, happy.

With my simplified step by step approach, and videos you can access via the app, it's literally like I'm there with you and your horse, showing you how to do the exercises...you will have access to an expert in your pocket!!


All of the above courses PLUS...

  • Rehabilitation & Retraining
  • Posture & Crookedness
  • Thoracic Sling Strengthening 
  • Ridden Exercises
  • Kissing Spine
  • Practical Arthritis Management 
  • Equine Nutrition Training 
  • Equine Behaviour Training
  • Rider Pilates Training AND Classes!
  • AND access to my members group AND regular zoom sessions!!



Equine Connection Programme

Inside this 6 week mindset & energy programme you will learn...

The theory of mindset work and retraining your brain, AND how to implement the transformational tools to improve your mindset, in just a few minutes everyday to achieve lasting results!

AND I will show you the most effective body based connection exercises, such as breathwork, grounding, presence, clearing, visualisations, that you can use in any moment, to bring your horses focus and connection back to you AND bring you and your horse onto the same energetic wavelength…creating instant results!!

Available as a group or 121 option.


Hi I’m Jenny Adamson!


...and just 5 years ago, I was stuck with my horse Azuro, looking for solutions to the problem we had, which was the devastating diagnosis of ‘kissing spine’. Going through this as a horse owner was completely different to working with clients horses. I felt alone, stuck, miserable, stressed, couldn’t see a way forward with him, had no idea when I would be able to ride my beautiful and talented horse again.

I decided to try out lots of new/different methods of working his body, to unlock the long term compensation patterns, and ultimately found what WORKS to successfully rehab and retrain sore, stuck bodies AND rehab the horses mind back to the positive too!

My 12 years experience in Equine Physio, Rehab, Training and Spinal Manipulation Therapy, AND my Mindset Coaching expertise, along with my personal experiences, give me a rather unique way of looking at horses, rehabilitation and training. I KNOW what needs to happen for horses to bloom and flourish physically, emotionally and mentally.

In addition to the online courses on this page, I have developed various ways that we can work together, to deeply support the partnership between you and your horse... please click the 'work with me' link below, or send me an email below, if you would like my support in a consultation or coaching package. 

Work with me

Send me an email!

Pop your name and email address below, and your message in the box below, and I will get back to you as soon as I can!