The Art of Lunging!

Online Course

Learn all about how to lunge your horse correctly, to develop good posture, create improved core strength, train the long and low frame, plus training aids module!

Once signed up, you will get immediate access to the course content, so you can get started straight away!


Is this your horse...?

  • Struggles to work over his back? 
  • Hollow posture instead of long and low 
  • You are going through kissing spine rehabilitation? 
  • Lacking topline muscle 
  • Poor posture - hollow outline 
  • In hard work / competing
  • Need some guidance on how to improve your horses posture on the lunge?
  • Looking for some new ideas on correct ways to exercise your horse? 


  • You would like to learn from a professional, HOW to lunge your horse EFFECTIVELY and SAFELY 
  • You would like your horse to be more comfortable, supple and strong in his back, core and whole body?
  • You need to teach your horse to stretch down into long and low posture
  • You would like your horse to be more symmetrical to ride?
  • You would like to increase your competition scores?

GREAT! Read on to learn about this course and how you can safely add effective and correct lunge work to your routine...!

Let me share with you the benefits of adding corrective lunge work into your horses exercise routine

  • You will start to improve your horses flexibility and movement!
  • Improved core strength
  • Improved posture
  • Develop long and low frame on the lunge 
  • Your horse will become more symmetrical in his body
  • Improved co-ordination
  • Increased body strength 
  • Variety within your horses routine! 
  • Good cardiovascular exercise!


  • Why lunge?
  • What we can achieve?
  • The benefits! 
  • Specific ways to work with your horse on the lunge to develop good posture & movement 


  • It's crucial to train our horse to use their back properly to prevent kissing spine
  • Correct lunge work can help you with this 
  • Learn how to train your horse to move correctly over the back on the lunge 


  • My recommendations! 
  • Details on the 2 Training Aids that I use and recommend - and why!
  • Videos to show my horse in both Training Aids, plus fitting! 

About Jenny 

Hi I'm Jenny Adamson, I'm an Equine Physiotherapist, Rehabilitation Specialist, Spinal Manipulation Therapist AND horse owner!!

I'm super passionate about horses, have been around them nearly all of my life, and have my own horse Azuro, who is in all of my photos and courses!

I have been working professionally with horses for over 10 years, and I love teaching horse owners how to improve their horses posture, core strength, movement and comfort levels!

I spend most of my time with horses looking at ways to improve how they move and how they carry themselves - and I love to share all of my knowledge and skills that I have learnt along the way, to improve our horses lives. 

So whatever your situation with your horse, adding some corrective exercise to your routine, for strengthening, fitness or rehabilitation, will add variety and many therapeutic benefits to your horse! 

Join 'The Art of Lunging' online course and get started today! 

After signing up you will get immediate access to the course content, which is available through secure login access to my website.

Once your payment is completed, you will receive an email from me with the links that you need to get started straight away!! 


The Art of Lunging: Online Course



  • Instant course access
  • Learn the WHY and HOW with corrective lunge exercise! 
  • Lessons and videos showing you HOW to lunge correctly
  • Corrective lunging AND training aids modules 
  • READY TO START? Click through to join course! 

The Art of Lunging AND Polework: Online Course Bundle!

£59 for both courses!

  • Instant course access 
  • Corrective Lunging AND Training Aids course - lessons and videos 
  • Polework to improve your horses body & movement course 
  • BOTH COURSES in this package! 
  • READY TO START with Corrective Lunging AND Polework course bundle? Click through to join and get started!